Tuesday, May 5, 2020

National Social Register Undergoing Scrutiny On Conditional Cash Transfer - Senate

The Senate yesterday said it was scrutinising the National Social Register being used by the Federal Government for its Conditional Cash Transfer to the poor populations across the country.
Chairman, Senate Committee on Special Duties, Senator Yusuf Yusuf, told reporters in Abuja that the probe was to determine the authenticity of the Social Register and the makeup of those currently benefiting from the programme. President Muhammadu Buhari had recently announced the addition of one million households to the National Social Register (NSR) up from 2.6 million.

Senator Yusuf said there were noticeable lapses in the register and the process of disbursement of palliatives to beneficiaries need to be corrected. He said: “Under the SIP, there are the households benefiting from the Conditional Cash Transfers.

However, I’m not satisfied and to be honest, it is not an easy thing to do at this material time. “The SIP has what they call a National Social Register. We’re trying to scrutinise that register to find out really, who are they (beneficiaries)? How did they come about the list?”

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