Saturday, April 25, 2020

North Korea’s Leader, Kim Jong Un Rumoured to Be Dead After Heart Surgery

North Korea’s Supreme Leader/dictator Kim Jong-un has reportedly died, or is on his death bed with no hope for recuperation according to media outlets in China and Japan.

Amid reports China has sent a medical team to their communist neighbors this week to check in/advise on Kim, a Hong Kong-backed news channel’s vice director who’s apparently the niece of a Chinese foreign minister blasted out the news herself … he’s dead. TMZ has not confirmed that.

The woman put the report on a social media app called Weibo for her nearly 15 million followers to read, citing a “very solid source” about the claim Kim had, in fact, perished. A Japanese magazine reports he’s in a “vegetative state” after a heart surgery gone wrong.

New filtering from the Hong Kong Satellite Television #HKSTV also revealed that the North Korea’s supreme leader, Kim Jong Un is dead and his sister, Kim Yo-jong is in line to become the next ruler of the country. Gistmania has been able to obtain a rare photo of the late leader on his sick bed moments before giving up the ghost. Here is the photo below:

There is a strong rumour that North Korean supreme leader, Kim Jong Un has died after undergoing a botched open heart surgery earlier this month.

A vice director of Hong Kong Satellite Television, a Beijing-backed broadcast network in Hong Kong, claimed that Kim was dead, citing a “very solid source.”

Her post on the Chinese messaging app Weibo has been shared widely on social media, according to a report in the International Business Times.

Other unconfirmed reports, attributed to senior party sources in Beijing, said an operation to insert a stent went wrong because the surgeon’s hands were shaking so badly

Meanwhile, Japanese magazine said reported earlier that the North Korean dictator is in a “vegetative state” after he underwent heart surgery.

The weekly Shukan Gendai reported Friday that a Chinese medic sent to North Korea as part of a team to treat Kim believed a delay in a simple procedure left the leader severely ill, Reuters reported.

North Korean media hasn’t mentioned Kim’s health or whereabouts, even though reports by other media have sparked international speculation about his well-being.

The Chinese expert told the magazine that Kim clutched his chest and fell to the ground on a visit to the countryside earlier this month. A doctor accompanying Kim performed CPR and took him to a nearby hospital.

The outlet reports  citing a Chinese medical expert privy to the situation that Kim had clutched his chest in early April and fell down while visiting the countryside there. He needed a stent procedure done, but apparently … it either wasn’t done rapidly enough, or it was botched completely by the surgeon with some reports saying he had shaky hands.

There’s a lot of rumors swirling about the guy’s condition  and the fact is … he hasn’t made any major public appearances looking to be okay in several weeks now. About a week or so ago, CNN reported Kim was in “grave danger” after a medical procedure.

Kim, believed to be 36, needed a stent procedure, which calls for placing a tube into a congested blood vessel to allow blood to keep flowing to the heart, according to Shukan Gendai.

Kim Yo-jong has been described as an even more dangerous dictator than her brother and most people are hoping she does not ascend to the throne. We will continue to bring you more details as the news unfolds

The hashtag #KimJongUndead was trending on Twitter but without any proof of the leader’s death. There are also questions of who will succeed him if he is truly dead.

President Trump has downplayed the reports and has refused to elaborate  but it looks like KJU’s sister, Kim Yo-jong, might be getting set up to possibly replace him as Supreme Leader … reports say she was recently re-promoted to a prominent position of power there.

Here’s another point … Saturday marks a major military anniversary in North Korea, where they celebrate the founding of the Korean People’s Army in 1932 something they hype annually with a parade, and one in which Kim might normally make an appearance.

International reporters on the ground say if Kim was doing alright and not on death’s doorstep, he and his team would figure out a way for him to show up to squash the rumors.

If he doesn’t, it’s probably not a good sign … almost all but confirming something is wrong.

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