Monday, May 4, 2020

ECOWAS Accept Madagascar Cure For Coronavirus

ECOWAS package of the CVO medicine en route to the 15 West African states. The package was received by a delegation of Guinea Bissau, on behalf of the ECOWAS states.

Guinea Bissau received a consignment of Covid-Organics, the Malagasy herbal tea touted as having preventive and curative abilities for COVID-19.

A government delegation returned to Bissau with the medication after receiving the consignment in Antananarivo on May 1. It was received by President Umaro Sissoco Embalo.

The president said at the ceremony: “This donation part of the fight against the global pandemic called COVID-19. I would like to say that with this, Guinea-Bissau will be seen as a different kind of nation.

“It will be seen as a country that still has good people. And today, the world will talk about Guinea-Bissau,” he added.

The president of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina (the youngest president in Africa) in his speech to the delegation said “If today we want to leave a new Africa to our children, it is we, Heads of States of the continent, who must commit ourselves to change the course of history and the lives of our fellow citizens. Let us act for the care of our peoples. Union is stronger than division.”

Yesterday, a virtual meeting of some 10 African leaders were held to discuss, among other things, the effectiveness of using the CVO medicine in treating covid-19 patients in Africa.

This is a strong step in ending over dependence on foreign aids and support. We are capable of innovations when united. This should be a great lesson to our leaders going forward.

According to Embalo’s chief of staff, Califa Soares Cassama, 14 other members of the regional ECOWAS bloc are waiting for what many consider to be the “magic COVID-19 mixture.”

During the ceremony in Madagascar, President Rajoelina intimated that the donation was for countries across the region. The tonnage and type of COVID-Organics remains unknown.

The packages received by head of the Guinean delegation were branded with flags of different ECOWAS nations. Rajoelina also thanked Embalo for accepting to distribute the consignment to neighbouring countries. ECOWAS secretariat has yet to speak on the issue.

As of May 3: donations have been officially made to Equatorial Guinea and Guinea-Bissau. Republic of Congo, Tanzania and Comoros have all publicly expressed interest in receiving donations.

President Rajoelina has also spoken to leaders of Senegal, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, with both peers lauding the Malagasy effort.

Meanwhile, the Africa Centers for Disease Control, Africa CDC, last week confirmed that treatment trials are underway across five African countries but did not mention the Malagasy ‘cure.’

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