Saturday, June 20, 2020

N-Power: No One Is Left Out, Volunteers To Be Transitioned To The Next Level

According to a Post dated 3rd June, 2020. It state as follows;

Dear Volunteers,

As you all know, we are gradually transitioning you to the next level to make provision for others. The goal is to keep you Npowered while positioning Nigeria at the core of the post covid-19 digital economy.

Like we said earlier, as part of efforts to diversify the nation's economy, we will be opening opportunities in the #services and #real sectors of the economy where many of you will be redeployed. Some key sectors for redeployment include;

*Agriculture & Agro processing
*Transport and Logistics
*Retail (e-commerce)
*Real Estate
*Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
*Creative industry
*Finance (agency banking) etc.

These and many more will be done in collaboration with the private sector and respective government agencies. However, many of you will require special training and assessment to make the shift into some sectors. We have partnered with Realtrify, an O2O service provider to provide us a YouTube-like community to train you remotely for FREE (you are NOT required to make any payment to anyone).

Visit the community platform, create a profile and connect with the Made for Nigeria page where you will be trained via:

All communication and training devices will be made available on the community platform. Share this information with all volunteers as we transition you all to the #NextLevel.


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